I let the death follow me I do not care if he runs faster than me So I let the death take the lane we race together And I hope we can be a friend in the end after
He may finish and win the race And I may still fight and never know what I face I realize that the life is not about competition So I find my own way to know my passion
It is not about I am too young to die It is about I am a human as long as I can give a beautiful goodbye Yes, the life is too short to hate So I practice how the love works and I try to bet
I do not let myself die in pain And I do not let myself be suffer without gain I am not afraid if I die now And I am not afraid if they don't impress me without say, Wow!
Because God flows through my vein and dances around in my brain
Indonesia, 25th January 2022 Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho