Poetic People.. we are not herded sheeple. We are word lyrics, song makers, mind shakers, current speakers, history makers, past revealers.. Word life breathing, comfort givers. Word Movers, Books of chapters and mental creators of Intellectual content givers. We teach, subtract and we word multiply in many unique stanza, rhythms and soul dynamic gifts. Poetry people we can ignite, warm up or cool down to enhance hearts temperatures Spirits our words lift. Poets are examples of writing freedoms and of all 12 styles and forms of Poetry formed arts. Sonnets, Ballads, Concrete ode and Prose. and the many mo's are starts. Poetry People are such a variety. Best leave us free! As living Poetry!
Poets, cook, serve, they provide, Poets entertain, make your hearts sang. make your mouth overflow with giggles of laughter, gets your brain on that thinking and reminiscing train.