Division runs rampant through unity on the break Torches flare as rage flickers smoldering kindling to flame Erupting the perpetual boils that fester beyond infections wake Fearful that lives saved are endangered for propagandas sake Nay, the divisions that split rip to shreds the patriotic fabric Shorn to threads amiable friendships that broach enmity Between brothers bound by blood shared Bleeding red in concealed unison given to each at birth As mighty Gaia trembles under the weight of shrugging Atlas Beseeching the old gods to return to former glories Resting lonesome Olympus from its divine pantheon To quake and shake the shared foundations built Atop mountains of lies stacked one after another Before the heavens part and holy Elysium repels The hearts of both men and women who dared divide A house unified on sacrosanct liberties inherent Gifted to the corruptible souls of humanity On the premise that justice should be for all That hold the highest values inviolable By any that would rabble-rouse the masses to forgo The established law of the land on such flawed premises Where words hold greater authority than actions convey And peace is but a pipe dream puffed in perfect rings translucent Fading before the light has a chance to cast dark shadows Imperfect in their reflection yet somehow flawless in impression Oh, if only we were not like that famous allegory Confined to our own individual caves Then maybe our eyes could open wide and once again Let in the truth that we have for too long allowed to blind us in hate Perhaps the fates would halt their furies And end our shared torment avoidable Unifying a once noble people to again stand proud A beacon to a world begging for freedom Clearing the fog of war and lighting the path Back to the house we once called home