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Amanda Kay Burke
Aug 2021
I Don't Blame You...
I do not blame you for leaving
Understand why you bid me goodbye
I would not be with me either
If wearing your shoes instead of mine
Sometimes regret past decisions
That never lasts for long
If I would have changed them
Could turn out even more wrong
You are not faultless though
Bear your fair share of mistakes
Both contributed to downfall
With messes each of us makes
Have no clue how it happened
Cannot pinpoint source
Of relationship's demise
Still fills me with remorse
To relive one day with you
When we were at our very best
Would give up everything
To again lay my head on your chest
Be energy responsible
For making world go round
It will never be that way again
Pieces fallen to the ground
Gone are the plans we made
Dreams had
Swept away with the wind
All I own now is my pen and pad
To soothe pain I write it down
Words can't take it away
Like an infected cut memory festers
Just grow more used to it each day
Come to realization
You do not need me anymore
Better off without me
And the life built before
Back when first falling in love
Felt too good to be true
Perfection may have been real
Ended too soon as good things do
And I wanted badly to believe
All those precious words you said
Ignored my rationality
Listened to my heart instead
I was convinced we were meant to be
My search was permanently done
Although you no longer feel the same
To me you will always be 'the one'
It's better to love and lose
Than never to love at all
Even with the agony inside
Still grateful it was you I fell for Paul
Too much I want to say to you but never will
Written by
Amanda Kay Burke
Amanda Kay Burke
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