My bed creaks with the pain of my loneliness, My life reeks of the stench of my emptiness. Do not run away considering me desperate, A better lover than me you can only imagine.
My past is smeared with pains and sorrows, My present painted with a cautious colour. My future is bleak, I can't foretell a thing, Come along if you want, don't be hesitant.
I'm not desperate, I've been lonely for far too long, Now that you are here, I won't let you go away from me. I'm not bad, I'm a PhD researcher, and have a future too, Be my lover, we shall go for hiking on the hills & put up a tent.
In the night outside the tent, we shall make a bonfire, And also cook the food with peaceful veg ingredients. You just need to eat and feed me too, I shall do the cooking. Afterwards inside the tent, we shall make love hot and pure.