I am from the sea. Always slick and taunting. The pull that radiates from me, will be irresistible. You will not know what to do in my grasp. As I chop you up, And throw you side to side. You will be consumed by the utter chaos that plagues me. I will keep you warm, luring you further. I am loving, kind and warm. All a man wants and craves. You will build a home out of me. I will feed you plenty. Warm you every night. But I warn you, you mustn't get comfortable. And you mustn't forget who I am. I am from the sea. I will pull you under, and before you know, I will have you drowned. You shan't forget that water erodes and tires. Slick and Taunting I am all a man wants and craves. I will become a home for you. I will pull you under, and drown you in my sea.