I knew when I saw you it would be like time hadn't moved After a few moments we got back into our usual groove And the scent of you lingered for the seconds I hugged you I felt happy to be there and maybe you knew
I playfully motioned for you to hold my hand so you did You probably didn't notice the smile I hid The tv flickered with a game in the background or music All while we leaned closer and in an instant felt lucid
We embraced again before the night was done You walked me out and said you had fun One more hug this time with a tighter squeeze In a way it felt infinite and like time could just freeze I nestled my face in your neck and you did the same I'm sure you felt my heart race and still you stayed tame I slowly let go of our entangled goodbyes Then did my best to avoid your eyes
How long had it been since I felt those butterflies within With him, it was truly a romance to get lost in