I am the fire, I burn into light, I burn in darkness. Transforms into any shape, lit into any structure. Heat and Burn anything, everything, even ashes to ashes.
I am the water I flow into anything, Fill the empty spaces, Make whirlpool and create a current of my own. Push and pull anything to anywhere.
I am the air blow soft and hard I blow softly to comfort your skin Sometimes harsh in storm to break bones. I am the air, who flows in every heart. If I leave you will suffocate and die.
I am the sky, I am everywhere In and out of the canvas, Clouds and birds fly in my lap. I am far and wide expand no one can reach, nobody can explore.
I am the land You stand on me. You plant, live, sleep, die and mix on me. You grow and survive on me. I am everything in every situation, anything in any form of nature.
I am the fire is one of the inspiring poem of the author