The moon holds my very first steps Gently embracing the tracks I leave on earth She puts all my drawings on the fridge She is my brightest star With her, I do not hide anything And I always finish my sentences
I have always been an emotional being My emotions leave me breathless so I use other mediums Thus ever since I was a child I traced poems in the sand Made memories filled with love And while words kept me company, sandcastles gave me a home
So With sand and my toes, I made my very own chapter With shovels and buckets, I made a book Made ink out of water When I was angry, I traced fire ants blazing my feet When I was lonely, I traced the 52-hertz whale swimming into the earth When I was sad, I traced the mountains too high for me to climb And when I was happy, I traced songbirds sweetly singing a tune at dawn
All of this for me to wash them away with the tides Emotions aren't something I like to talk about Nor do I like to draw them I feel vulnerable, it makes my skin ache When I actually say what I mean it hurts The possibility of rejection is painful Like winter does to cracks Like fire does to skin Like violent wind does to paper It is everything but enjoyable
I am as open as a sonnet I do not lie My metaphors and imagery are my truth My rhyming pattern is consistent My theme is not a red herring I do not lie Please trust me on this But just like a sonnet, the twist happens at the end And I always cut myself off
This is 2/3 of my school assigment Theme: Nature Place where I wrote this: 3 am thinking about beiing vulnerable