What is my pride? I'm a Baha'i, I study math and physics, and I study martial arts. Then this is where people may hurt me the most. They will make my dimension into a lie, contradict what I know so well. A shove or a push, even a slap or hit only affects my body. Hurting my feelings by making me feel unloved, that is only my mammalian brain. But defying my reason and insight - this is where I am most weak. To call my religion a plan of the Illuminati, by calling my science untrue, by saying I don't know anything of martial arts. This is where the ego of the world now dwells: within the reasoning mind. This is where my testing will take place: letting go of knowledge to meet the words of the naysayer.
I will take your words and transform them into love. Then I will wait until I find a companion heart, to tell my truth to.
reflecting on life mistakes and the movie "Creed" where Creed goes to jail for punching someone