A tiny daring spider built a gorgeous circular web on my window pane. It's in my view again and again. I reserved that spot as my look-out-to-think pane. But now the spider has taken it, dare I complain.
Rain, wind and sun have blessed the spider’s dwelling, as I watch him hide in the web’s corner wrapped in silk and pouncing on his prey. He clearly is not scared of me and uses the glass as god’s grace.
I ask him everyday- But why that pane? Do you have calendars or time constraints? Are you in bliss, sadness, or pain?
He finally came, in my dream last night, Dressed in a beautiful white silky robe, very bright, and said in a husky voice-
Just like you, I am the creator’s creation, Here to fully blossom in this incarnation , But you and I very different, All life is relative, it's an illusion.