You just have that effect on me where you get into every inch, fill every cell, until you are perfectly everywhere
Until all I say is you, until your taste, your cool tongue against mine, is all I can breathe
Until I can't see, blinded by the spark in your blue eyes, making everything turn into your color
Until my words of you are just pouring out of my fingers, trying to grasp as I write you down
And you even make me wake up with your name ringing in my head, as if I've been calling for you all night
And I know our memories back and forth, I've visited them so often that they are tattooed across my mind, carved into my chest, so even my heart knows when to skip that beat
But it just gets hollow, filling myself up with old memories, so torn and tormented, so far away from you
Like I'm living out of old air, to thin to give any real release but to lightheaded to stop