If love is what saves a life I will love you ever so passionately hug your bones so tight It squeezes the hell out of you the hell you're suffering from madness, loneliness, sub-existence, feelings of worthlessness, feelings of lovelessness I will tell you how much I love you To make sure you know you are loved Envelope your mind in light Set life into the course of your veins flowing through you Fill you with gifts of joy and peace, clothe you in goodness and mercy when you fall, I will use all the strength in these arms to lift you up my shoulders to prop your head while you rest and weep, my ears to pay attention to the echo of your heart beat through your words and expressions my eyes to look after you and out for you, to watch over you, to adore and admire you I will spend my time with you be present, be there for you just to see you smile just to see you live just to see you grow just to see you alive and beautiful If love is what saves a life, no, if love is what gives life then let me fight for your right to live.
If love is what saves a life, then let me fight for your right to live.