One day a girl laid under a tree She wished her life was rid of sorrow and suffering She wished for her life to be simple and happy One day a girl laid under a tree and felt as though she was nothing but a pebble sinking to the bottom of the sea She wished she felt a different way she wished she was a different way One day a girl laid under a tree and wished she was six feet down She wished that the darkness took her away She wished that the cold brought her warmth One day a girl sat under a tree and wished she was different She wished she was happy She wished she was satisfied with herself She wished the insecurities were gone One day a girl laid under a tree With the brisk winds to keep her calm The flowing leaves dancing above her The clouds moving gracefully She wished she was one with the earth She wished she was an ant Or possibly a bird Then she could be simple Simple and happy One day a girl laid under a tree.