Within my mind are heavy thoughts, They do not let me feel at ease. Everything i'd failed to do Is coming back to haunt me.
Body withered and my mind Is trapped awaiting for relief - Heavy duty machines above Will serve as bridge to a new life for me.
Heavy brain is in the skull, Drinking blood that flows in veins, The blood is pumped by a heavy heart - A heavy heart is all that's left of me.
LONG WAITED ΣXTRACTION OF BRAIN IS COMMENCING, Heavy heart has been put to rest. As narcotics put me to sleep i imagine What future holds for me.
What was it that made me who i had thought i was? Which parts of self will be put to rest? After-****** life may just show me the secrets of who I am. Is life within a machine equivalent to death?
Vivid images i had not seen Yet imagined like they're real - The brain is fed through metal tubes With tar-like liquid that flows within, The brain is speared by electric spikes - They cut their way through every part of it.
THE DREAM STATE DISRUPTED BY A HEAVY DESTRUCTIVE SHOCK, What are these sings i'm receiving? I can't make sense at all. The feeling of dread is suppressed by machinery, i don't even feel any pain. Yet heavy thoughts haven't gone away. More than ever before i am wondering if a choice i had made was correct - Eternal existence without a future or hopes and no right to be welcomed by death.