Church services will resume shortly, so, get ready to crowd the rectory. Confessions are in session cause these are concessions to con men plying their moral dissent to compliment other idiots.
Success, cause intellectual blindness and devotion to a deity who doesn’t give two ***** about all of you who are not rich republican men.
We win, my gullible friends. Come on in. Kenneth Copeland and Cresflow dollar will be taking your money to support their private jet go out and get more stuff while the poor struggle in debt.
Why care for those who despair? Why share what we have instead of bailing out big businessmen? We got to open the country again and we can start with religion cause they already believe that science is fake and magic is reality.
So, lets get them out and about who cares if grandma get the disease.
We need to please these rich dudes, these fox news red hat attitude gotta get a clue red state race bating confederate flag wearing NRA make America great…
Yeah, go to church your pearly gates await just please stay in for at least two weeks when you get back from hearing your preacher speak.