I choose to love I choose to be happy And well, ***** society if it tells us it’s beautiful to be sad it’s exciting to hate, to revel in misery to wallow in unending pity to numb yourself with a mask just to please others
We deserve to love We deserve to know that we are loved No amount of fakeness can take away this reality - how we live our lives towards nothing, really but that nothing can actually be made into something if we just choose to see that while there are things worth dying for there are also things worth living for
And if I cry along the way, if I have to cling onto desperation just to keep myself from falling back to the old me I will because I can and will be happy because now I know that I have always deserved to be happy just like everyone else
Maybe if we only choose to stop for a second and actually try to live for what makes us happy to search and suffer for it knowingly to hope despite all the uncertainty to feel and to know that the choices we make do form our reality - who knows?
I choose.
Another spoken word poem. Had a poetry block these past few days, but now I’m back. Might be rusty, but I’m doing my best 😌.
You will have moments like these, moments of numbness and lacks of happiness, but as long as you find it in you the hope to live and feel again, it’s okay. You can come back, love. You are in power of your own happiness. Know that.