what’s the difference tween ******* & writing poetry?
let us cut to the chase, cause I know how much-you hate to be kept waiting, lest your addled, added, impatient attention grow as big as the U.S. budget deficit.
answer: not much
in fact, can’t come up with a single signal differentiation.
1. both require tissues when done 2. both give you short and sweet satisfaction, that is a renewable resource 3. serotonin levels up, up and away - yay! 4. long term impact for both is wrist pain 5. inevitably, makes you late for tedious life chores 6. doesn’t burn much calories, though you record it on your activity-tracker as “aerobic exercise” 7. one tends to exclaim “Oh ****” when completed. 8. both master bait you (pun. get it?) who’s the master, who’s the bait? 9. are you bored already? Go forth and do either activity, (I know you’re getting hot) 10. both leave you satisfied but the urge to purge returns very quickly 11. tendency to lock the bathroom door for both, when “composing” 12. filed on your computer as introspection and mindfulness (that cracks me up) 13. gonna stop right here so you take your ADD meds 14. you love them both in no particular order 15. you cannot get coronavirus from either (sincerely hope not!) 16. your denials deserve a retort: so ***** you too!