When you're born, like I, to a fortunate line its vital you make best use of your time guiding the way for the impoverished below, ensuring their well-being and economies grow...
How you ask? What an excellent query! The work is relentless but I remain cheery our goal of saving the uneducated poor is closer than it has ever been before! We've got Bayer for health Monsanto for food solid profitable businesses looking out for you And let's not forget the allseing EarthNow blanketing the sky with live satellite shroud designed for government and large enterprise soon everyone can trust us to be their eyes Yep, We've got you covered! We vet information so there's no danger you'll have inclination to doubt for a minute that we know what's right However, to quell confusion measures must be tight But! When this is over, just wait and see! We will emerge triumphantly A united global community Oh yes, there'll be austerity, For everyday folks not the super wealthy It's a simple case of superiority Don't worry Conditioning has ensured you will love slavery Just don't think too hard Simply listen to me
A candid chat with Bill Gates about his philanthropic exploits and business investments...