Enough is enough. I'm done sitting in a room of darkness. I'm done shouting into the void of black. I want the world to see me for who I am. For without the controversy of a feeling man, I would not be what I am.
Enough is enough. I want the world to see, what I was meant to be. I want my creativity, to pour and pour out of me. For without the controversy of a creative man, I would not be what I am.
Enough is enough. I need the world to relinquish me, from this undying epiphany. This epiphany which tells me, that I am nothing without my pen. I am this pen, and this pen is I. Bleeding ink to page, while I figure out what next to write. As though there is nothing to do, but write. For without the controversy of a passionate man, I would not be what I am.
When enough is enough, you suddenly become, good enough.
I've been struggling with self-worth lately. Writing about it helps a lot. While in this writing session, I've learnt that I need to accept myself for who I am, instead of letting other people's opinions define me.