Working on the tenacious tendency To reduce myself and render me ruined Describing the dictating feelings is dire Sometimes I wish to go forth and set myself on fire
The firewater was a necessary fuel For I can only burn from the inside out The doubt, the drought of positivity Were kindling enough to ignite the fright
That fear was a mere beginning The story passed down from generation to generation Resulting in a confrontation, an activation Sometimes things must be incinerated
Then it can start again, become educated, bloom "I hate myself" turned to " let's change thyself" Laborious toil upon the charred soil Brought forth the grounds in which to root
They say April showers bring May flowers Though it's never told how hard it is to conjure up the storm It takes something from within, the want of a win Only me, myself and I can decide to arise
Not being able to go to my AA meetings has been tough. So I have decided to get creative on the days I would attend meetings. I am going to try and write a poem every Tuesday until my local meetings commence again.