I find myself within the darkest night One with inescapable pain And rocks chipping me away I am in the dark night of the soul One of the worst times in my life I wonder how the moon ever looked bright
'Will I ever come out of this night?' 'I don't really know' My mother told me when I was thirteen years old I was already tired of life Worn down to a crackling wire That sparks to the touch I'm dangerous to those who know me And even those who don't, know enough I'm trapped in the dark night of the soul Can someone please open a window?
The dark night of the soul Envelopes me in its embrace Smiles as it kisses my face 'Hush,' she says, 'Everything will be okay' But I have run from this night that has taken me, hostage I have escaped this cage of the day unlit
I am past you now I have beat the dark night of the soul Now I can love Those who matter most