That willow tree we once sat under, Died like our love. Winter came and stripped it of its beauty Fighting became our only form of communicating Our hearts no longer beat at the same rhythm We’re one of the same but yet so different Come back to me my love Spring will come and that tree will grow again Leaves more vibrant than the last A love, new and true No more meaningless fighting No more harsh words and yelling I just want to be loved The type of love I know we have inside of us It’s there I know it We just have to fight for it Look for it within ourselves to become stronger and better than before Please grow with me Bloom like the willow tree Grow like it’s branches and reach for the warmth of the sun Don’t give up, please I beg of you But you’ve already decided you need to be alone I can accept what you need Holding onto the belief that someday we’ll be together again We’ll be bold and vibrant like the willow tree But for now I’ll wait under the weeping willow I’ll wait for you
Hey guys I know it’s been a while but I lost myself for a bit in love and I’m trying to find myself again.