This world is a sad and dangerous place Everyone knows it, everyone feels it The new year brings new disasters 2020 didn't even give us a minute to catch our breaths
We have the possibility of facing A new war with every passing minute It seems a new shooting happens everyday Australia is literally on fire And what can we do?
We place our trust in our leaders In our countries To keep us safe Placing blame on anyone but ourselves Some pray for people to be good Yet even churches are no longer safe We hope for the world to cool and calm But with everyday comes new calamity And what can we do?
War is an idiots parade, and we don't have a say We can't predict disaster We can't predict who will lose their mind next We aren't prophets We don't know how to be safe anymore Worst of all We are too lazy and selfish to save our planet
We don't know what to do anymore This world is falling apart And what can we do?