Dear Author: I am posting your 'the-then' thoughts on this web-blog since I do not know where, in time and in place are you lost.
If, someday, you happen to stumble upon this web-page, send me a message and I will quietly remove this entry in exchange for a small fee: The privileged readership of your soul-stirring poetry.
You and I, wherever we are are fated to love.
No matter whose poems are being read, You and I, or something of us springs up in each one in some way or another.
Whatever doesn't ever reach the lips has reached the poems ...already...already.
There, Do you blink? as if to disillusion me.
You talk of bright worlds ; unknown to me.
My side of the discourse is limited to sighs and tears and blushes, and wiping off the spreading Kaajal † with my baby's mouth-napkin.
But you aren't even married yet.
And by the next time we meet, I will have painted my lips again.