Depression is always gonna be there Its always gonna be in my head I can take pills for that, but it’s always gonna be there Thats why I hate it so much It’s so ******* unpredictable Like I can be completely fine now And wake up the next day Or something will trigger me in the next seconds And I will completely freak out I will lie in my bed and cry Depression is what it looks like in the movies at-least for me It’s closed curtains, being in bed all day Not wanting to go out It’s just so frustrating When you can’t give a **** about yourself anymore Nothing ******* matters anymore And it just ***** Because you do care about things, you want to care about things But you’re just stuck in between caring and being too tired to give a **** I ******* hate depression I would **** it if it was a person Why is it even here? It’s just horrible It’s always gonna be here and it’s never gonna go away Things are just **** I have had to cancel a lot of things because I was too depressed to go out You just don’t want to see yourself living another day When my depression is really bad, like now, I can’t see myself living next month I can’t see myself in a weeks time I can’t even see myself tomorrow morning That’s when my suicidal plans and thoughts kick in Because I can’t freaking see myself living for another second If I don’t love myself then nobody will And that’s the sad truth about it