my life was like a rope walk a thin rope of sanity I walked on and below was a thousand feet Valley of depression, you miss a step ,you never come back. struggling to balance myself , and then I met you . the saviour , like the albatross who came to save the ancient mariner. you came into my life and with you came hope. the rope beneath my feet widened , widened to become a plank. and as you grew closer, the plank became solid ground. the valley started to disappear and the fear melted down. now I could risk missing steps, enjoying the grass and the tiny falls. it felt like never before , and there was no turning back. but I realised, on the ground I wasn't alone . not just mine, but you had saved a zillion lives . but that didn't matter now . they all loved you and so did I . so we all pledged : to help you, to love you forever and that anything that gets to you have to first get through us . we all are debtors of your love and we will pay back by standing by you . you are the nation of our happiness and we are your A.R.M.Y.
saranghae BTS
thank you for being In our lives for 6 years . BTS, not just a boyband to us ARMYs, but our inspiration ........our source of happiness