Call me change joining goddess art of "mnemosyne" one of nine arts changing muses among many several other arts mine are memory at best! I am changing my art and mouse to include the beauty I see in many poets and poetessess on here H.P. you are like gods and goddessess possessing nine glorious arts expressing diverse entertaining inspiring muses memory commedy idylic poetry beauty dance grace allure a great poet showed me to unstock from my same old muse rhyme to "fly free to glide soaring" exploring my mind into change applying other arts So I read your various arts diverse muses from many of you on here H.P greatfully learning the many glorious poetic arts diversity humility treasures best to stick around H.P when the going gets tough my ink flows freely renewed my best commedy mask's on! shephesd's crook! wreath of ivy! beauty grace in all of yours! is here to stay Inspired by great poet master Pagan Paul to use my other arts changing muses ~~~~~~~~~~ By:Karijinbba updated 06-12-19
Gratefully yours. Thanks everyone. here on H.P. reading liking. loving reposting. All of your Art inspires me. K.X X.