All birds fly towards the north When the weather goes to be hot And fly towards the south When the cold spreads the wings And destroys all nests
Except my birds They fly towards your heart Asking, screaming and shouting You are the worst spy When they meet your birds They sing a deathless song Making every poor land converted to be kind And the loosing mind returning his mind The old trunk gets strong Branches covering with colored and smart Roses
The bees put their honey Making me taste it as your honey Love, that makes me in happy All the world gets funny And the birds dance with harmony The fishes swim in circles Making the water spreads atoms All over the world, that makes the flies tends Once the left and the right at once
The important my birds get wide Not distance, but from my sight And I will whisper at your beauty ear I hate my birds as they go to yours That is obvious for all viewers But I wish to be with them by yours
the love changes every look and make one forgives all worst from his love. if the love governs the world the beauty will spread