I made the toy with imperfections The broken pieces in my collection
It was whole And filled with joy when it was given to me
But so many people wanted it So many fought for it Some earned it Still they crashed it
Maybe because theirs were also broken Maybe they didn't mean it Maybe they just didn't know how to treat it
I am aware that there are pieces that do not belong here I am not proud to say it but I also crashed and and kept pieces of other people's toys Trying to fix my own I joined the pieces
Each piece has its story Stories of different journeys
I've traveled so far with this little gift for you But how would I know who you were? Why there isn't a sign on your face saying "soulmate?" I tried to find you so many times and I had to use my toy as bait I am sorry for not bringing it in one piece But hey look around None of these toys are new And all this suffering led me to you.