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Apr 2019
I waited, O' hear my sire,
for the broth me to.
Melting the warmth within the room, all alone, with a cold coffee in hand.

I trusted, O' hear milady,
for the imprudent wretch pumping my chest,
Begging to walk the past track, all alone,
with a cold coffee in hand.

My squire was irked, but alright,
for he'd never seen his mentor so restless,
Waiting a wind never to be blown,
Along the cafe's window pane.

"No sugar, more froth please" O' waiter,
For she liked it like that, before we parted,
and all that's left of her is me, all alone,
With a cold coffee in hand.

Perhaps the fate urged for this, O' Father,
for you wrapped her in a peaceful shroud,
But took my only blanket, leaving me untangled, all alone,
With a cold coffee in hand.

Sending ravens to the aimless pecks, O' heaven!
For she is yours to take care of
as I don't procrastinate anymore, no getting her back, just happy all alone,
with a cold coffee in hand.

Why did you **** my hopes, O' Mother?
Burying the moonlit sky with clouds of despair,
For me, my soul, and all above is dry,
Even with the cold coffee in hand.
A bitter cup of coffee, the coldest of the warmth..
Written by
тυѕня  19/M
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