Many words I despise to praise and smiles forcefully produced palms on their eyes, fretting to eye the truth that tastes so bitter but mixed with glitter looks just like gold to the bare eye. I dare not say I fret to speak what truth lies buried in their chest They'd run a thousand miles away and shriek at the top of their lungs to rip that chest apart dispose of a piece of art but never hear these words.. Easy to forebear lies within lies sweet and sinister, like robbing a maiden off virginity far better to taste, way easier to digest than relinquish your heart to her fresh love That is what they desire, not so deeply And I haul myself to write for a sea of lost souls and rivers of forgotten tears as mine whose owners please to shroud from what's indeed all human to see with heart, and devour with ears.
This goes to all of us. Whether you've had an emotion or not, if you've ever felt pain and wondered how to react to it, then this poem is yours.