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Mar 2019
We all are somehow unhappy in love
One way or the other
We live in a generation where lust takes place instead of love.
They say ‘Where there is love , there is pain’.
But is it really love , when it gives you so much of pain?
Love is an assorted feeling.
That feeling which can be felt only by a few, those who realises it.
And those who know how to bear it.
Love doesn’t mean sacrifice, you only reach at a point, where you have to chose between leaving that person or to sacrifice something for him/her.
Love gives you a blissful smile , a magical feeling. But the person who gives you pain and betrayal isn’t the right person for you.
There are plenty of fish in the sea. Then why to run after the one who’s choking you?
It’s rather difficult to find the right person, but waiting is a good answer to it.
There’s always one made for you , Waiting eagerly.
Unhappy in love !!
Sampreeta Subhakanshi
Written by
Sampreeta Subhakanshi  16/F/Odisha, India
(16/F/Odisha, India)   
     will19008, Kim B, Fawn, --- and Em MacKenzie
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