It is okay to be grounded This is something i must tell my soaring heart Every second of every day.
When the world seems to open to you Like it’s yours for the taking, “Oh, but you must hold back”
That is something that I wasn’t used to hearing For I was the one who had to make my own path And holding back was never an option for me
I was told to always bite my tongue and never let others understand what I was feeling So the expression of words got stuck in my mind And could only be freed when I placed a pencil in my hand
It is okay to be grounded This is something I tell others When they worry about where life may take them
I still have no idea where my own life is taking me But every second of every day I must tell my soaring heart it is okay.
This will all be okay one day, And perhaps my okay is different from yours But one day it’ll all work out
You’ll get the promotion you always talked about And maybe we’ll fall in love And have a nice colonial somewhere we make our own
But for now we must tell our hearts that while it is okay to dream We can stay grounded for the time being Until we both sprout wings and have the ability to soar