I’m stuck in a loop day in and day out A cycle that never ends A cycle I can not break No matter how hard I try to escape It is a leach holding onto my time Draining me of my mentality I can’t control it no matter how hard I try Luring me sweets and all kinds of treats for my brain to devour It leads me to different locations I for it so it keeps me happy I used to be able to say goodbye whenever I wanted But now I am chained Being held underwater Floating up for a second for a gasp of air Then being held down As the waves wash over me It promises more fun
I know what to I know what is right The choice is easy So why don’t I choose it Again and again It does things that I hate It does things that others hate Even though it makes me sad Even though it hurts me Breaking down trust and friendships Everyday another rule is being added on I don’t want help It doesn't matter what other people say Even if I know they are right I know I need to leave But I am trapped Inside my own brain It has a name But I don’t like it For some reason I still follow it Procrastination