Sitting alone with the stars I wait For the last minutes of today to fade into tomorrow Turning what felt so precious to memories I remember the nights spent on the rooftop caterwauling to the stars and ache a little more Everything reminds me of when we had sock races across the slippery floor Danced in the sky fought battles with swords of leaves Lay underneath a ceiling of blankets and got tipsy on caffeine That which cannot be tangible feels like a knife to the heart And as I wave goodbye to the retreating light tears start to pour from unblinking eyes I stare motionless as it disappears into the night Quiescent as my body shakes from the cold I cannot feel Life is full of goodbyes it seems and nothing lasts forever But just this once I wish it would just this once I would turn back time To have a few more minutes of oblivion even a few seconds But time waits for no man and no man waits for time That is what you would say, isn't it? They say that time has no beginning and no end But this feels final this feels like the end to something I will never have again.
-Esther L. Krenzin- -Roguesong-
To Michael, my dear, dear, friend. Who was always there for me, who I cared for so deeply. Thank you for the many laughs we had together. And the many memories we made. I shall treasure them always.