My great aunt, Tia Nelly, Her gentle presence hasn't changed Her soft hands that reached for mine to hold and kiss. Her sweet glow she has when she smiles Comfort.
She took me to her bedroom window, Her favourite place. "I can see all." she says Indeed she could see who comes and who goes Her favourite summer flowers were in bloom They grew just by the front gate A perfect view
A quiet moment. "Growing older is a lonely, sad thing." She still hasn't let go of my hands She's so small "I can't do many things anymore." I had never heard her speak like this. I squeeze her hands I look at her not being able to respond. Comfort.
"You may not see me again." She had always said this when we parted We joked about these things However It seemed that It could be true this once
She doesn't stop looking at me Her eyes are scanning my face Comfort "You are so pretty you know." She let go of my hand