i think it's safe to say that there are things we wish we’d known facts on life or happiness, obtained before we’d grown
a lot of us can say relating to our moms and dads that we weren’t taught to love ourselves or cope with being sad
and maybe those two things are linked to how we feel constrained by social norms and expectations, taught to be the same
girls are told to cover up the things that make us weird beat your face or trim your waist to look good in the mirror
course don't get it twisted, we’re not to look good for ourselves
our looks are all to get a man, gain love from someone else
to top it off, what do we do when things just go awry? after all, teenage dating is really quite the lie see, that vital lesson is one i guess will not be taught leaving girls with broken hearts and feeling so distraught
and i can’t say i've managed to avoid this deadly trap opening my heart despite feeling like utter crap
searching every nook and cranny on this giant earth cause i've been taught a boys opinion is what proves my worth