I The snow is blank as My apathetic manner A seed thrusts out; new
II Intense agony Spreading and twisting in a Worthless, weeping heart
III The product amazes Me; it's absolutely a Lucid, pure nothing
IV New Year's - a silent Lullaby; empty promise For the hopeful/less
V Nothing ever came From nothing; good trees do not Sprout rotten, ugly fruit
99% of New Year's resolutions fail by February. If you want to improve yourself, your mindset, humanity, or society, invest time into your goal. Suffer if you need to come to new heights. It sounds cliche, but it works; make a SMART goal (specific, measured, attainable, relevant, timed) and work for it. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS - don't try to make one; put a crap load of time into whatever you do. Go out into the world and fix it, child; it's at your disposal. I BELIEVE IN YOU!
~This has been my lackluster motivational New Year's speech