My son asked for a video game console and I ended up being sorry. I went Christmas shopping at a flea market and bought him an Atari. When he unwrapped the Atari 5200 on Christmas morning, he had a fit. He has blessed me out before but this is the only time that I've been hit.
He took a sledgehammer to his gift that he hated. It was over thirty-five years old, it was outdated. He called me stupid because I bought him a console that is 8-bit. He said he wanted a PS4 or XBOX One and then he threw his fit.
I had all of his BS that I could stand so I put him over my knee. His **** is black and blue because of the way he treated me. I gave him a good spanking because he crossed the line. Because of that Atari 5200, I put blisters where the sun doesn't shine.