Always had the obsession he was being followed even before the digital generation that familiar figure whom he had seen before not certain this was his imagination a click on the phone as if somebody listening an uncomfortable sensation inside now that object in his own home had moved thought must be getting confused!
Atheist in his beliefs so no angel was by his side yet felt a tingle of uncertainty as if eyes were peering at him twenty four seven over a couple of years it was constant technology had begun to advance as a brisk rate intrusion of privacy a big debate!
Became bedeviled that some agency was listening checking his data did not feel free being a conspiracy theorist was often outspoken many colleagues had been shut down just told the truth of what he saw in this society but this simply increased anxiety!
Filled with doubt about everything around him sat one night staring very attentively at his laptop screen when an image appeared several days later he was discovered by his worried girlfriend absolutely stone dead face hideously distorted and crushed head!
What really had been watching and ended his life? Never an investigation to ease pain or strife!