Mostly, I gaze upon the fields and see dead grass and falling trees With branches reaching toward the sky in a sort of outward plea Begging not to be condemned this day Yet winter comes anyway And the world becomes gray
For the most part, my world is gray My vision full of its hues where dormant nature lay Dark and dim and cold to the touch Like stone statues crumbling down, collecting dust
And for a time, I think to myself That spring will never arrive That the warming sun will never shine And color will never thrive
For a time I believe All I have is all I see Dusky days stuck by thorns Eternal gray, eternal scorn
But, alas, the buttercups appear Never distant, always near Creating pink painted prairies And vibrant stippled hills buzzing with little fairies In a manner much like Van Gogh Streaks of holding hands and blushing cheeks' glow
And I think to myself If we have nothing else How powerful a symbol Mother Nature truly is Whispering a message I cannot miss That after such tragedy Life can take root again Vibrant, like a melody