Symptoms of diseases, Diseases never heard of, Symptoms were pain, agony and tears Tears never shed Diseases which took eras to be discovered, Diseases that lay hidden, Hidden behind smiles Smiles hiding pain, agony and tears Tears never shed Because there was no one to see the tears, Tears lay buried Buried behind 'I'm fine' 'I'm fine' was a cover To shield the delicate heart The heart which was scratched and torn millions of times And millions of times the memories were reminded Memories which were to be forgotten To be forgotten and thrown away Thrown away like the heart was The heart now only had tears Tears never shed Because there was no one to see the tears, Tears left to dry To dry without being wet The heart also dried Dried out and fell Fell like the petals of roses Roses which are only left with thorns now Thorns which ***** and the heart bleeds The heart bleeds the blood of hatred Hatred risen from love Love which led to the diseases Diseases known as heartbreak, dejection and desolation.