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Oct 2018
It started out joking
Hypochondria, fear, the usual comedy
Your expression attracted my eye
Despair, longing, pain
So purely pressed into me
Radiating from those dark sunken eyes
That hard line of mouth

"I'm sorry, it's sensitive"
Little cousin I called her
Just 20 this year
That's as old as she'll get
Stage 4, there isn't much hope

Mom said she's done
She'll take her own life
I'm calling her everyday
Hoping she'll feel better
Stay my mom for a few more years

The tears started flowing a dismal parade
I don't have friends here
All I have is you three
With our few hours of playtime
Per month of agony

I needed this
I needed you
I needed someone
To keep me from breaking
To keep me trying

We are all gonna be dying some day
It's good to know we'll have someone
Willing to be there and listen
When we are giving up, sunken
Someone to hold us
When we just have to cry
To my friend Jaimie. I'm sorry.
Written by
Suzy Young
       Timur Shamatov, Makayla Jane, Wanderer, J and Yann
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