I couldn't realize my greatness much less your fascination in me depicted in your own eyes and much less see yours and a lot less understand then that I could have helped change earth. I had no idea I could change my life debating if changing it between my real identity and the one the world gave me would even be a wise thing to do naturally I was a small enchanted frog with a Queen of the forest stolen crown left in some small macabre pound Impossible to hap across your huge ocean to be kissed and reign as a new Queen of Kemah much less know I had the power of love to help me govern your heart your spirit soul but I knew I was your twin flame and I loved you at first sight. Until I believed in myself I realized my greatness and yours plus the dreams you described while alls gone to worp speeds and black hole law witches all beauty remained vissible tangible neverending! thats the magic of knowing true love. It never dies. I just never found anyone able to love me with the same passion ever again. The many times I tried to move on even you and women you trusted played the authors of malice and treachery setting me up with your contacts to be used betrayed deceived and trashed, so I live unmarried and free knowing good and evil deep in my core intuitive. I am just a woman of substance, AWAKENED! Aware! to my here and now, that's me and dear it hurt long and bad at times wishing I was never born but I preffer solitude from humans! I still wish to thank you my precious true love, you too universe for the rides! the good and the bad I am so eternaly grateful just a woman of substance.