There is a vanity in me not to think well of myself, for I have yet to achieve such but to please others, to like myself more through their good opinion.
There is a fear in me in my mind, every night the love others feel for me is erased, set back like a clock. Every day I must work, earn their love all over again. In the trappings of my own mind, love is so easily lost.
There is a doubt in me with my friends and loved ones. I trust no one, not even myself. It is as unfair to them as it is to me. I decided young, perhaps wrongly, That those who claim to love you, even those who truly do love you, can and will leave you behind.
There is a desire in me to liberate myself, to love myself as I have never truly done. I fear that in loving myself, I will become something foolish. Even still, despite my intent, with a complete lack of trust I am still that arrogant fool.
"Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner." βLao Tzu