I am sad again, but I have no idea why. Living keenly with an idea of what I want out of life. My favorite season, autumn, is upon us. And my writing is frequent and fulfilling. So why am I sad again and why am I an orange juice, spilling?
I miss the days where drugs meant fun. Where ridicule was a pasttime. Between best friends, and Windows didn't force updates. The Internet was an escape around which Identity was ignored. You were your username, and you were too full to be bored.
I am sad again despite selling two poems to a couple patrons during an open mic night I frequent. I hadn't been much, chose instead to spend my time writing and feeling sorry for myself. Now that I'm out again and re-befriending familiar faces. It almost feels like belonging is as lost as context between the spaces. I'm stark raving sad and I've only just arrived. One year finally after the middle-age of twenty five. If I make it until January consider me your unlucky kin. A day without morbidity, how long has it since last been?