You and I were the same Even though people told me you were insane
I didn't care what anyone said Because when I needed you You always came to my aid
But then you weren't there for me When I needed you the most It felt like no one cared for me I was so lonely
I used to hate you I'm glad I forgave you
All the thoughts of fantasy I dreamed us as a family Ended up being a sad tragedy
I won't make the same mistake I'll be there for every birthday cake From the time they wake To the time we go to the zoo and see a king snake In fact well even make Swiss steak Or cupcakes Or pound cake We'll play with snow flakes We'll go see great lakes I'll be there for heartbreaks
I'll give them the love I never had I've forgiven you already and I'm not mad But at the end of the day I'm still glad You were my Dad