This isn't a love that can be Put on speaker phone. We're far too silly for that. Easily saying the first thing that Comes to mind. One moment to the next, Stunned slience. Phone etiquette thrown out the window. This isn't a love that can be sat down. Kept between an ear and a shoulder. The amount of time it takes for someone to leave the room. Conducted in civil manner. Attempting not to shout, Completely losing train of thought. Not sure of validation, Our voices raise a bit. By now you should know we shouldn't have to limit ourselves like that. Denying a freedom that connects us to whom we truly are. Our quirks, general weirdness. The crazy looks from those around. The laughs that get funnier each moment that passes. By now you should know that we are the complete definition of crazy. Often appearing in person, Before one of us can hang up. Laughing hysterically, Continuing the conversation At any given time or place. This definately isn't a love that Can be placed on speaker phone If we have to applogize for what we say. Afraid to be who we really are. Isolated from who we truly are