the weight of all my previous selves is perching at my back if i look slumped, not steady i’ll be fine, it’s just temporary maybe. hopefully. i feel so heavy
is there a future me ahead or will i finally settle? when i know me, when i’ve found myself will it be set in stone bricks and mortar whispering promises of home
or do i wash away again like mud on concrete? if the rain pours, i slip away but then, but then it’s okay! because then, then the sun shines on a stronger me beneath
so i think myself finally whole because i can hold the weight of the world i am concrete. i am washed away. i am resurfaced clean, if bruised, a pathway for all to find steady feet
‘til the cracks in the concrete reappear ‘cause i know, i know i’ll let you walk over me, that somebody will plant a seed in me the roots will shove up and up break through me ‘til shattered but still existing is all i can be
i am constantly remaking myself, constantly being remade. is anybody anybody if we’re all endlessly changed? this sense of self i have this day i have no faith that it’ll stay
how many drill bits to the brain does it take to make concrete fall away? how many new faces ‘til a man, this man, that man, the man ‘til I go insane?